Image of acupressure point GV 4 on a dog

GV 4, A Super Acupoint

Governing Vessel 4 
Pinyin Names – 
Ming Men, JingongJiajiguan 
English Translations – 
Gate of Life, Gate of Vitality, Place of Essence, Lumbar Pass 

Some Chinese texts refer to Extraordinary Governing Vessel 4 as the place where the animal’s “spark” of life originated. GV 4 resides between the two Kidneys. It is said that this is where yin and yang combined to create life, hence it as seen as the location of the original yin and yang of the body. This is why GV 4 is considered a powerful acupoint and is commonly used in so many of the healing arts including Tibetan medicine, Hindu tantrism, and even Kabalistic Sefirot (netzach).

Acupoint Classification 
Governing Vessel 4 is one of the Doorways to the Earth Points. This point affects the pelvic region of the animal’s body and especially the lower two orifices. It impacts the hormonal system and the emotions. In Chinese medicine it is seen as one of the “hinges” of the torso.

Governing Vessel 4 is the meeting acupoint for the Bladder and Kidney Divergent channels. Because it is the connecting point for these two divergent channels, it has strong internal-external impact.

Governing Vessel 4 has no contraindications.

Energetic Actions 
GV 4 tonifies Kidney yang, clears heat/fire, dispels internal wind, expels cold, dries dampness, benefits essence/Jing, regulates the Governing Vessel, strengthens the back and hind limbs, regulates water passages, replenishes blood, and clears the mind/shen.

Indicators / Clinical Signs 
GV 4 can be included in an acupressure session when the animal presents with the indicators or clinical signs listed:

  • Pain, spasms, weakness or stiffness in the lumbar spine and/or hind limbs
  • Fever or febrile disease
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness or head shaking
  • Fertility issues
  • Abdominal pain
  • Excessive fear or fright
  • Depression or Shen disturbance
  • Seizures
  • Anal prolapse
  • Urinary incontinence

– Found on the dorsal midline in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae.

Canine & Feline – Located on the dorsal midline between the spinous processes of the 2nd and 3 lumbar vertebrae.

GV 4 for horses

GV 4 for dogs